GUNTHER is the longest-reigning IC Campion in WWE.

longest-reigning IC Campion GUNTHER

GUNTHER is making history as the longest-reigning Intercontinental champion.

GUNTHER has become the longest-reigning IC Champion in WWE. WWE founder Vince McMahon Sr. introduced the Intercontinental Championship as a secondary title to complement the WWE World Heavyweight Championship. It was designed to showcase the best in-ring performers and provide a platform for rising stars to hone their skills before ascending to the main event level of superstars. Over the years, it has achieved just that, with countless iconic champions who have become household names.

The Intercontinental Championship has some of the most memorable matches in WWE history. The Intercontinental Championship has served as a symbol of excellence in execution in the ring. Legendary champions like Bret “The Hitman” Hart give classic matches like Breat Heart vs. British Bulldog at Summerslam 1991. Shawn Michaels vs. Razor Ramon at WrestleMania X. Shawn Michaels vs. Razor Ramon at WrestleMania X.

There are several Hall of Famers who held this Prestige Championship in their Hall of Fame careers, like Stone Cold Steve Austin, The Rock (Dwayne Johnson), Razor Ramon, Eddie Guerrero, Honky Tonk Man, and Pat Patterson. WWE Hall of Famer and the Father of Royal Rumble Pat Patterson was the first ever IC Champion on September 1, 1979.

Greatest IC Champions in WWE History
Greatest IC Champions in WWE History Credit : WWE

The Ring General GUNTHER breaks WWE Hall of Famer Honky Tonk Man’s 453-day record and becomes the longest-reigning Intercontinental champion of WWE. Gunther won the IC Championship back on June 10, 2022, when he pinned Ricochet on the WWE Smackdown. He successfully defended the championship multiple times.

He gave so many classic matches at the WrestleMania 39 Triple Treat Match against Sheamus and Drew McIntyre; it was a classic match, and he also successfully retained it at the WWE Summer Slam against Drew McIntyre. He dominates every challenger with his iconic signature moves, like chopping the hell out of his opponent’s diving splash and delivering a powerbomb to pin his opponent.

Several years ago, the IC Championship lost its prestige, and it was just one of the secondary titles for the mid-carders, but GUNTHER gained back its prestige and brought back its glory days. On this Monday Night Raw, The Ring General beats Chad Gable, retains his IC Champions, and makes history as the longest reigning IC Champion of all time. WWE Chief Content Officer of WWE Triple Congratulates for His Greatest Achievement.

Triple H Tweet :

Defining his own legacy. And this is just the beginning…
Congratulations to @Gunther_AUT on making history as the longest-reigning #ICChampion EV

History of the WWE Intercontinental Championship

First IC Championship 1979
First IC Championship 1979

WWE founder Vince McMahon Sr. introduced the Intercontinental Championship in 1979. The championship derives from the WWF North American Heavyweight Championship being unified with an apocryphal South American Heavyweight Championship, with Pat Patterson as the first IC (inaugural) champion. WWE Hall of Famer Pat Patterson became the first Intercontinental Champion.

The name Intercontinental represents North and South America. It is a secondary title championship for the main roster and the third oldest championship besides the United States Championship, derived from the 1975 WWE World Championship in 1963. The Intercontinental Championship has served as a symbol of excellence in the ring, and few titles hold as much prestige and history as the WWE Intercontinental Championship.

The title represents the best in-ring worker of the WWE and its connection to some of the most memorable classic matches in WWE history. The IC Championship holder gives so many classic matches in WWE history to champions like Breat Heart, Mr. Perfect, Ultimate Warrior, Honky Tonk Man, “Macho Man,” Randy Savage, Shawn Michaels, and Stone Cold. Steve Austin, The Rock (Dwayne Johnson), and many more

GUNTHER is the current Intercontinental Champion and holds the record as the longest-reigning Intercontinental champion in WWE history.

WWE Intercontinental Championship classic matches

Ricky Steamboat vs. Randy Savage – WrestleMania III (1987):

Ricky Steamboat vs Randy Savage for the WWE IC Championship often regarded as one of the greatest wrestling matches of all time, this encounter featured breathtaking athleticism and storytelling. Ricky Steamboat defeated Randy Savage to capture the Intercontinental Championship in a match that set the standard for in-ring excellence.

Bret Hart vs. The British Bulldog Intercontinental Championship match Summerslam 1992 London

Bret Hart vs. The British Bulldog Summerslam 1992 London
Bret Hart vs. The British Bulldog Summerslam 1992 London

The stage was SummerSlam ’92, held at London’s historic Wembley Stadium. WWE’s most prestigious titles were on the line between two brothers Bret Heart vs The British Bulldog for WWE IC Championship. Adding an emotional layer to this encounter was the fact that Bret Hart and Davey Boy Smith were real-life brothers-in-law. The match itself was a masterpiece of technical wrestling and storytelling. Bret Hart, known for his in-ring technician.

Shawn Michaels vs. Razor Ramon Intercontinental Championship Match – WrestleMania X (1994):

Shawn Michaels vs. Razor Ramon - WrestleMania X (1994)
Shawn Michaels vs. Razor Ramon – WrestleMania X (1994)

This ladder match revolutionized the industry by introducing a level of high-flying, high-risk maneuvers previously unseen in WWE. Shawn Michaels and Razor Ramon battled for the Intercontinental Championship in a match that has since become a trademark of ladder matches. That match sets the floor for the upcoming money in the bank ladder match.

The Rock vs. Triple H Intercontinental Championship – SummerSlam (1998):

The Rock and Triple H’s rivalry is legendary, and their Ladder Match at SummerSlam ’98 for the Intercontinental Championship was a highlight. These future megastars showcased their charisma and athleticism in a thrilling bout. The Rock is the third-generation superstar where Triple H is climbing the ladder to become a main eventer.

Longest Reigning WWE IC Champions list : 

1 GUNTHER 666 days
2 Pedro Morales 617 days
3 The Miz 592 days
4 Don Muraco 539 days
5 The Honkey Tonk Man 454 days
6 Tito Santana 441 days
7 Razor Ramon 434 days
8 The Ultimate Warrior 432 days
9 Randy Savage 413 days
10 Shawn Michaels 404 days


How long has Gunther been an WWE IC champion? 

GUNTHER has been a 666-day champion .

Who is the longest-reigning WWE IC champion?

GUNTHER is the longest reigning IC Champion with 650 ds and still counting. 

Who was the first WWE IC champion?

WWE Hall of Famer Pat Patterson was the first IC champion in 1979.

Who wins the most WWE IC championships?

Chris Jericho wins the most IC championships. Jericho has nine reigns as a WWE IC champion.

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